In Fury Born - David Weber

GoodReads Summary: Imperial Intelligence couldn't find them, the Imperial Fleet couldn't catch them, and local defenses couldn't stop them. It seemed the planet-wrecking pirates were invincible. But they made a big mistake when they raided ex-commando leader Alicia DeVries' quiet home work, tortured and murdered her family, and then left her for dead. Alicia decided to turn "pirate" herself, and stole a cutting-edge AI ship from the Empire to start her vendetta. Her fellow veterans think she's gone crazy, the Imperial Fleet has shoot-on-sight orders. And of course the pirates want her dead, too. But Alicia DeVries has two allies nobody knows about, allies as implacable as she is: a self-aware computer, and a creature from the mists of Old Earth's most ancient legends. And this trio of furies won't rest until vengeance is served.


Commented Links for 2020-06-18

Commit Messages (again), Ansible, CLI Names, Feature Flags, Rust Binary Sizes, Mongo with Rust, Command Line Task Manager.


Commented Links for 2020-06-11

Infrastructure as (Python) Code, Pong in Elm, Alan Kay and Objects, Paywalls, Brave, Note Taking, Rust From Scratch, Writing, 51 Concepts You Should Know, MAD in CSS, Magic Algorithms.


Python Losing the 2nd Place on Loved Languages: A Thought

On this year StackOverflow Survey, Python lost its 2nd place in the "Most Loved Languages" ranking to TypeScript. On our Python group, people started wondering why. And I just thought it would be nice to post my thoughts on the situation.


Commented Links for 2020-06-03

Scotty, Pyramid and Cornice, Problems with, Mercurial and Python 3, Fast Python, Async Python Request Library, Online Advertising, Google and Web.


Links for 2020-06-01

Distributed Systems, C in Rust, Protecting Projects, No Code, Android, Research Blog, Contact Tracing and Privacy (again).


Links for 2020-05-31

Running Things in Python, Emacs, Everything That Can Go Wrong, Why We Believe that Rewrites Go Right, Copyleft, Analogies for Technical Debt, Leading Projects, Microservices in Rust, Cities as Roads, Complaining about Stallman.


Links for 2020-05-29

Spotify Around the Globe, Git Commit Messages, Airflow, Emacs Bindings, Contributing to Open Source Rust Style, Self-Hosted Git Repos, Vim Wiki, Don't Use Medium, StackOverflow Survey Results, Problems With StackOverflow Survey.


Links for 2020-05-26

GNU Recutils, Tips on Git, Simple COBOL Code, Paying for Open Source, Contributing to Open Source, Dealing With Boring Stuff, Accessibility, 12 Not So Great Steps For Great Code, Culture Tests, Microsoft Marketing.


Links for 2020-05-25

Owning Your Data, Latency in Async Python, eBay Port Scanning, Rust Macros, Rust Tests, Rust Project Organization, Going Remote, Shapes of Code, Public Domain vs Copyright, Libre vs Open.